jueves, 17 de julio de 2008

A Queen for a King

"The night seems to fade,
But the moonlight lingers on
There are wonders for everyone
The stars shine so bright,
But they're fading after dawn
There is magic in Kingston Town

Oh Kingston Town,
The place I long to be
If I had the whole world
I would give it away
Just to see, the girls at play

And when I am king,
surely I would need a queen
And a palace and everything,
yeah And now I am king,
And my queen will come at dawn
She'll be waiting in Kingston Town

Oh Kingston Town,
The place I long to be
If I had the whole world
I would give it away Just to see,
the girls at play

And when I am king,
surely I would need a queen
And a palace and everything,
yeah And now I am king,
And my queen will come at dawn
She'll be waiting in Kingston Town...."

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Que lindo es tu blog, es el reflejo de tu interior. Dejate llevar, ¿si? Relajate un poquito. Nunca no pares de brillar. Te quiero, la cuarta parte de lo que mereces ser querido.

Ana Cristina.

P.D. Me dijiste que no ibas a poner la foto... Pinocho..... Mentirosito.

Anónimo dijo...

hola enricoteeeeee...
a mi nunca me escribiste nada, malo :-(
para cuando el cd de poemas? ya no te enamores corazon. andas como niño con juguete nuevo. bye bye.
Laura Imelda.

Anónimo dijo...

Ya encontraste a tu princesa... que gusto me da por ti, te mereces ser muy feliz. Con este comentario me despido, es placentero leer tus narraciones, suerte.
